mercredi 12 janvier 2022

Car battery problems and malfunctions and ways to maintain them


 Today, my dear ones, I share with you a very important topic related to the car battery.  Where we will learn about the most important problems and malfunctions of the car battery and ways to maintain it to extend its life and other important information, God willing.

 The battery is one of the most important parts in the car, as it has several functions, the most important of which is starting the engine and starting the movement, and without the battery we cannot operate the electrical devices in the car, and the battery works to convert chemical energy into electrical energy, and the sizes of the battery vary in different cars, where we may find batteries  Small, medium or even large, and this is mainly due to the specifications of the car.

 First: Symptoms and signs of car battery damage

 The car battery, like other parts in your car, has a specific life span when it stops working, or as a result of a group of other factors such as misuse or poor operating conditions, which leads to accelerating the end of its life and thus leads to its damage quickly, and the most important symptoms of proximity  Car battery damage is as follows:

 1 - Noticing rust or damage to the battery terminals or the so-called battery fingers

 2 - The appearance of swelling or deformation in the shape of the battery, even in a small way, it may appear either from the top or from one of the sides

 3 - Problems with the charging or electrical system in the car

 4 - Difficulty starting the engine.

 When such symptoms appear, you should go to the electrician to ensure the safety of your car battery, or check it yourself. We previously discussed the methods of checking the dynamo and finding out whether it charges the car battery or not, and you can return to reading it from here:

 Second: Tips on buying a new battery for your car

 When going to buy a new battery for your car, there are some guidelines that must be followed, which are as follows:

 - Make sure of the date of production of the battery, and do not buy a battery whose production date exceeds 6 months, because the higher the production date, the less the battery life, and the reason is the long storage period, so this point must be taken seriously.

 - When you go to buy a new battery, check the number of amperes in the battery yourself, as you will find it written above the battery and often symbolized by the following symbols AH, Amp-hour.

 Where you find, for example, 80AH or 80AMP and so on so that you are not defrauded, because there are some sellers who tell you this battery is 80 amps and infer one of the symbols written above the battery, and it is a numbering system for battery items like this number 80D26L and the seller infers the number 80 as 80 amps  Therefore, we should pay attention to this point as well. The ampere is only denoted by the following symbols: AH, Amp-hour.  As an advice when going to buy a new battery, buy a battery with exactly the same specifications as your old car battery.

 Third: Simple tips to extend the life of the battery

 - The car battery usually has a life span of two years, and there are those whose car battery remains valid for a longer period, which may reach 4 years, due to the way it is used by the driver, and like other parts in the car, it has a set of factors affecting it and care must be taken to avoid it and in  Here are some tips to maintain it:

 Care must be taken to clean the battery fingers always from the rust that forms on its electrodes, when oxidation is formed, it is one of the signs that indicate the beginning of the end of the life of the battery.


 Check the distilled water inside the battery from time to time at the electrician, and increase it if necessary.

 Checking the battery connections and not leaving any cable that suffers from damage or cracks, as it may cause smuggling of the car’s electricity, or it may cause an electrical short when it comes into contact with the car body.

 - Checking the dynamo periodically and making sure the car battery is well charged, in a very simple way that you can do yourself, “we touched on it previously, the link above.”

 - When the car is parked for a long time, disconnect the poles of the car battery, and from time to time make sure to start the car to reactivate the battery and do not leave it idle for a long time.

 - In conclusion, and as the last advice, it is not necessary to turn on electrical devices in the car, for example, the radio or the lights, and the engine is not working, because here the battery loses a large percentage of its energy while it is not charged.

samedi 1 janvier 2022

Passendes Kühlwasser


 Es ist eine Abdeckung, die die Wassereinfüllöffnung im Kühler verschließt und der untere Teil darin funktioniert ähnlich wie ein Thermostat, der sich öffnet und schließt

 Wie funktioniert der Kühlerdeckel

 Steigt die Motortemperatur stark an, dehnt sich das Wasser aus, und hier öffnet sich das Ventil für den Deckel, um einen Teil des Wassers an das Außengehäuse abzugeben, und bei Wassermangel im Motor lässt dieses Ventil das notwendige Wasser ein, wenn der motor ist kalt

 Welche Schäden diese Abdeckung am Automotor beschädigen

 - Ungewöhnlich hohe Temperatur1

 2- Das Wasser tritt aus der Abdeckung von der Abdeckung zur Außenseite des Autos aus und wenn das Wasser abnimmt, kocht und verdunstet es, was zu Schäden an Ihrem Auto, insbesondere an Joan Kelas (Motorkopf), führt.

 Hinweis: Einer der häufigsten Fehler ist die Verwendung von Leitungswasser zum Befüllen des Heizkörpers, und das Problem liegt in...

 1 - Leitungswasser enthält Salze, die zum Rosten der inneren Teile des Motors und des Kühlsystems führen.

 2 - Leitungswasser enthält Ablagerungen, die sich im Laufe der Zeit in den Kühlkanälen und im Kühler absetzen und zu einer Verringerung der Effizienz des Kühlsystems führen, was sich negativ auf die Leistung und Lebensdauer des Motors auswirkt.

  Zu den gefährlichsten Dingen gehört, dass die Schäden am Leitungswasser nicht kurzfristig auftreten, sondern manchmal erst nach zwei oder drei Jahren auftreten und die Reparaturkosten hoch sind.


 - Verwenden Sie besser grünes oder rotes Kühlerwasser wie für Ihr Auto empfohlen, da es Rost und Ablagerungen im Motor und Kühlsystem verhindert und so behandelt ist, dass es einen höheren Siedepunkt als normales Wasser hat und daher nicht verdunstet und lässt erst nach längerer Zeit nach.

مشاركة مميزة

Car battery problems and malfunctions and ways to maintain them

   Today, my dear ones, I share with you a very important topic related to the car battery.  Where we will learn about the most important pr...